Sapphire Suite's C++ Maths Library
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAABB2DAABB 2D Sapphire's class
 CAABB3DAABB 3D Sapphire's class
 CDegMaths Degree type
 CMat3Matrix 3x3 Sapphire-Maths class
 CMat4Matrix 4x4 Sapphire-Maths class
 CQuatQuaternion Sapphire-Maths class
 CRadMaths Radian type
 CRect2DRectangle2D Sapphire's class
 CTrTransform Sapphire's class
 CTrPositionTransform position component
 CTrRotateAxisFunctorCompute rotated axis from transform. Functor implementation
 CTrRotationTransform rotation component
 CTrScaleTransform scale component
 CTrTRSMatrixFunctorCompute TRS Matrix from Transform. Order is applied from right to left: (T * (R * S)). Functor implementation
 CTrUScaleTransform uniform scale component
 CVec2Vector 2 Sapphire's class
 CVec3Vector 3 Sapphire-Maths class
 CVec4Vector 4 Sapphire-Maths class